Wednesday, September 22, 2004

For once, a comment on the SMH I have an issue with

It's a rare occurence, since the Sydney Morning Herald is among my favourite newsites, but I do have an issue with Ms Devine's assertion in her Beware the Pajama Bloggers comment that it made no differnce that the bloggers who went after Dan Rather over the Bush memos were partisan, even fanatical, republicans: it might be - it is, actually - a very good thing that reporting is getting greater scrutiny now and writers and editors are more closely observed by critical outsiders, but when, as in this case, partisan blogging is used to distract from factually true information - the content of those memos, namely that the slacker in chief was AWOL while he should have been serving in the national guard and and received preferential treatment from the moment he joined it - which can not even be denied by those right wing web hacks, then obviously a basically good practice has been subverted to undesirable abuse.

Though obviously Ms Devine seems incapable of noticing that fact.


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