Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"My Body, My Life, My Choices"

Only, if you are an American woman, that might not be the case any longer should the current illegal occupier of Pennsylvania Avenue 1600 is allow to return there:

The President vs. the Pill is the shrub's fashistoid religous junta's attempt to take control over women's bodies long before Roe vs Wade becomes an issue.

Naturally, you can bet that that law will be targeted to be rolled back as well if the catastrophy of another four Orwellian years happens . . .

Why and how it could happen, Mark Morford explains here. So, even if I don't usually much care for variety show hosts, I'm with Oprah on this when she tries
to get her viewers to vote. And my respect to her for taking a stance when that seems to be a dangerous thing to do these days for TV personalites, as I am sure Dan Rather would agree.


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