Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Pastor Bush is a lengthy article by Jonathan Raban in The Guardian that should be required reading for those trying to understand the contemporary US.

Personally, I found it both enlightening and disturbing: enlightening has it does a very good job explaining the - for any mostly rational individual, as I count myself - the intellectually unexplainable - why people vote for a man whose very core actions are diametrically opposed to their self interests - and disturbing because frankly, that in this day and age such a worldview should be held by so many people, who furthermore due to a freak accident of history can wreck havoc and destruction not only on themselves - if that was the only issue, I'd happily advocate leaving them to that - but the rest of the world, is a thought that scares me.

Now I wish there was some outer space equivalent to Canada or Mexico . . .


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