Friday, September 24, 2004

It's been one of those days . . .

I don't really want to talk about it, aside from the one thing that first thing in the morning, just after I log on, one of my friends tells me that the Haloscan Trackback thing I added to the blog as deleted all former comments - great! They could have said something about that - like adding a warning and asking if you want to proceed - in the installation process for blogger. If there is one thing I can't stand it's incompetence.

As for all the rest, I think I'll just file it under "F" is in, "forget it," and have a couple of GTs . . .

Oh, one nice thing I nearly forgot to mention (and that happened yesterday, actually, not today), is that there is a very good chance now that I'll get one of those lovely plushy toy mascots for Firefox from the
Mozilla store. Something nice to look forward to! :)


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