Glory Days for FireCat Paw theme fans!!!
Thanks to the help of slowburn - see here: - I have been basically able to fix the dratted Options Panel problem and will now need only a bit of fiddling and fixing to adjust for my own colours, so the paw themes should soon be available for the use with Firefox 1.5!!!
I can sum up all my feelings with one word...WHOOOOOOOT!
Purple and pink with the gradation background are done already, so if per chance one of those is your favourite, I'll happily email you one (or both) if you send me an email to (repalce the -at- with the addy mark, please). If they aren't, you get to choose what colour should come next if you care to because you're the first to have responded to the post. :)
I'm actually waiting onthe ocean paws version...something about those soothing aquas.
iwench: if you contact me with a valid email address, I shall be happy to send you the pink one. :)
meowwl: I am currently trying to fix some final bugs with the purple and pink themes as tests ones; once I have fix all those I'll update all the other colours.
qrcyen: see my comment to meowwl - unfortunately, I am not all that good with the non-graphic side of themes, so if I run into code problems, I have to find someone to help me get that fixed . . .
What I do wish it that the guys at would be a little less nonchalant with their changes or, alternatively, would provide some easily understandable guideline for making adjustments (instead of their geekspeak, for which I need a translator. :P ). Anyhow, the paws haven't been abandoned.
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