NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month - though according to the organizers it's international really - and presents a challenge to write a 50.000 words minimum novel between Nov 1st and 30th, and it's something I've decided to try, since lately, my writing - which I love - has been somewhat in a slup for reasons I can't clearly define. Maybe some kind of writer's block, or lack of incentive. This seemed a good one, so I signed up and hope to finally get "Black Lily", which has been bouncing around for years already and usually took the backseat to other projects, finally written.
For progress on that you can check here. There are here, comments are welcome.
Go Vote!" target="_blank">Here that is, for all non-Americans, to vote for their candidate in the US 2004 election. Not that the votes will count towards those, but maybe it will put some emphasis on how the rest of the world feels about them.
Beyond that, I guess there is only hoping that all those 3rd candidate or abstainist Americans will finally come around and help finishing of the fraud on PA1600.
An interview with thoughtful and eloquent Theresa Heinz Kerry, at at the LGBT website planet out.
For once, something good that is worthwhile reading.
A few things I've been reading . . .
that I found interesting as well as somewhat scary in parts can be found here, here and here.
No comment here what they are about; go read and come to your own conclusions.
And now I need to take care of some additions to my other blog, Panthere Japoneseque.
or, in their own subtitle: Size Does Matter
or, in mine: Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun, ist es noch lange nicht das Gleiche
(roughly, in English: Even if two people do the same thing, it's not the same thing at all)
or, finally, more Orwellian: Some are more equal than others.
Curious now?
Click the title above, or here.
Warning for modem users: the movie is a 10 meg download, so it may require some patience to get it. It's well worth the wait though.
On more political comments, there are also the last installments of Mark Fiore and Ward Sutton available at the Village Voive.
Or: Another way how community support can beat multimillion - or is that billion, even, for MS? - companies.
In the latest campaign on the Spread Firefox website, the Mozilla Foundation is asking for contributions for their New York Times Ad Campaign, an action that should - and in fact already has, as this article on eweek shows - generate a lot of free secondary advertising for the splash it will be creating.
For those considering supporting the campaig, you can do so through this link.
If you want to know more about the campaign and how contributions will be used, their is a FAQ that should answer most questions.
If you don't know Firefox or haven't used it yet, why don't you download it and give it a try? The reasons you should you'll also find at that place.